Fully booked until 2025. For cancellations, follow @mycoloury on Instagram. New dates to be released on December 3 between 8-9pm ET.
Click here to book a colour analysis with MyColoury.
If no times are available, it means my schedule is full. Please follow @mycoloury on Instagram for announcements of when new dates will be released.
Custom Requests
Email mycoloury at gmail dot com to discuss any of the following:
Times outside of the ones listed in the booking system.
Large groups (3+), corporate events, brand partnerships, or other.
If you are a returning client who wants to do the other colour analysis method. For example, you did the 16-season method and would like to come back for the Korean method.
We respond to all emails in a timely manner. If you don’t receive a response within 24 hours, please check your Spam folder. If you booked using the link above, you’ll automatically receive emails from Calendly (notifications@calendly.com).